Toe Pain

Toe pain can originate from corns, calluses, hammertoes, and bunions, as well as ingrown toenails, sprains, fractures, and dislocations. Corns develop as the toe rubs against the inside of a shoe which causes the skin to thicken as a form of protection. A corn is typically cone-shaped and has a small, hardened spot that points inward. When a corn is pressed into the skin, the toe becomes painful. Corns usually form on the top or side of the toe. A callus is also a thickened patch of skin that generally forms on the bottom of the foot. Calluses are the result of friction from the toe rubbing against the inside of a shoe. They may also occur by walking barefoot or having flat feet. A hammertoe is a bump on the knuckle of the second toe that is produced by wearing shoes that are too short for your feet. The bony protrusion rubs against the top of the shoe causing pain and irritation. A bunion is a malformation of the big toe. The base of the big toe pushes away from the smaller toes, forcing the top of the big toe to press toward the other toes. Bunions can be hereditary, or they can result from injury to the toe joint or from wearing high heels with a narrow toe box. The toe becomes inflamed, and a bump may develop at the end of the misplaced bone. Ingrown toenails typically affect the big toe and its surrounding skin. The nail will dig into the skin and become painful. Wearing tight or narrow shoes that compress the big toe causes the nail to grow into the fleshy part of the toe. Cutting toenails incorrectly can also add to the development of an ingrown toenail. A toe sprain originates from a torn or stretched ligament. Strapping the injured toe to the toe next to it for stabilization is common. A broken or fractured toe usually occurs from trauma like dropping a heavy object on it or bumping into something extremely hard and rigid. Osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones, can also bring about toe fractures. 

Any of the conditions mentioned can lead to pain and irritation. While some are more serious than others, seeking an examination and diagnosis from a podiatrist is a good idea. A podiatrist can treat each ailment and get you back on your feet again without pain.


Exploring Common Causes of Toe Pain

Exploring Common Causes of Toe Pain

Our toes, those often overlooked companions on our daily journeys, play a more significant role in our lives than we realize, until they ache. Toe pain, a distressing sensation that can impede our daily activities, can arise from various sources. Wearing uncomfortable footwear, such as tight or ill-fitting shoes, may lead to blisters and calluses caused by excess friction. Stubbing a toe, seemingly harmless but potent in its impact, can result in acute pain and potential fractures. Ingrown toenails, a product of improper trimming or wearing shoes that do not fit correctly, can also trigger sharp, localized pain. Athlete's foot, a fungal infection, often targets the spaces between our toes, bringing about itchiness and discomfort. Arthritis can also affect the toes, leading to persistent toe pain. Acknowledging these common culprits empowers us to take better care of our toes, ensuring they continue to walk us through life's adventures without unnecessary pain. If you are experiencing toe pain, it is suggested that you confer with a podiatrist for proper treatment.

Toe pain can disrupt your daily activities. If you have any concerns, contact Cary Golub, DPM of New York. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Causes Toe Pain?

Most severe toe pain is caused due to a sports injury, trauma from dropping something heavy on the toe, or bumping into something rigid. Other problems can develop over time for various reasons.

Toe pain can be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Trauma
  • Sports injury
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Corns and calluses
  • Hammertoe
  • Bunions
  • Blisters
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Sprains
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocations

When to See a Podiatrist

  • Severe pain
  • Persistent pain that lasts more than a week
  • Signs of infection
  • Continued swelling
  • Pain that prevents walking


In many cases the cause of toe pain is obvious, but in others, a podiatrist may want to use more advanced methods to determine the problem. These can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatments for toe pain and injuries vary and may include shoe inserts, padding, taping, medicines, injections, and in some cases, surgery. If you believe that you have broken a toe, please see a podiatrist as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Williston Park, and Long Beach, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

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Get Proper Treatment for Ankle Injuries

Get Proper Treatment for Ankle Injuries

If you're experiencing ankle pain, you may be suffering from an ankle injury. Sprains, fractures, Achilles tendonitis, and Achilles tendon ruptures are just some examples of potential ankle injuries. Don't wait for care for an ankle injury, as it may worsen over time. We can help!

Get Proper Treatment for Ankle Injuries

Get Proper Treatment for Ankle Injuries

If you're experiencing ankle pain, you may be suffering from an ankle injury. Sprains, fractures, Achilles tendonitis, and Achilles tendon ruptures are just some examples of potential ankle injuries. Don't wait for care for an ankle injury, as it may worsen over time. We can help!

All About Broken Ankle

Broken ankles or “ankle fractures” are injuries that occur when the bones that make up the ankle joint are broken. Ankle injuries are some of the most common bone and joint injuries. The ankle joint is made up of three bones that join. The tibia is the main bone, and it makes up the inside of the anklebone. The fibula is a smaller bone, and it makes up the outside of the anklebone. A membrane called the joint capsule is lined with a layer called the synovium, which covers the entire joint. The synovium produces synovial fluid which allows for the joint surfaces to move.

An ankle becomes broken when the joint is stressed beyond the strength of its limits. When an ankle is fractured, ligaments may also tear at the same time. Fractures often occur to the ankle rolling or twisting in an unusual way. At times, a fracture may even be caused by an extreme force applied to the joint.

Symptoms of a broken ankle include pain, swelling, bruising, discoloration, numbness, and an inability to move the toes. If you have a broken ankle, you may also hear something tear or snap when you initially suffered the injury. If you have pain from a broken ankle, beware that the pain will not always come from the exact area of the fracture; you may also experience pain from associated foot fractures. The swelling you may experience can suggest that soft tissue damage may have occurred due to the injury.

There are differences between an ankle fracture and an ankle sprain. The difference is that a fracture or break in the bone is required to classify an injury as a broken ankle. An ankle sprain occurs when there is a tear or disruption of ligaments in the ankle. In some cases, the prognosis of an ankle sprain may be worse than that of a fracture.

X-rays are the most common way to diagnose a broken ankle. X-rays show if the ankle is broken and where exactly the fracture is located. It will also show how many pieces of broken bone there are. A second method of testing to see if an ankle is broken is a stress test.  To do this, the doctor will put pressure on the ankle and perform a stress test to determine if the fracture requires surgery. Other methods for diagnosis include CT scans and MRI scans.

If you are suffering from a broken ankle, consult with your podiatrist immediately to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Recovery Time for a Broken Ankle

Recovery Time for a Broken Ankle

Suffering from a broken ankle can disrupt daily life and recreational pursuits for several months. Recovery duration hinges on the severity of the broken ankle. Complex fractures may necessitate surgery, while in simpler cases rest and immobilization may be adequate. Surgical interventions, such as metal supports, may entail longer recovery times. Medical attention is advised if pain persists, worsens, or health issues occur including discharge from surgical wounds, swelling, skin discoloration, or sensory changes. Post-fracture walking aids, such as crutches, canes, or walkers, can help to safeguard the mending bone. Performing home exercises can help to boost ankle strength and mobility. Gradual transitioning to weight-bearing activities is essential in regaining strength. Step-ups on a raised surface and heel raises on a chair can help to facilitate recovery. Other methods that promote recovery can include using mobility aids, avoiding bearing weight prematurely, and maintaining optimal nutrition. To help prevent future ankle injuries, it is beneficial to allow the ankle to heal fully before returning to normal activities. If you would like more information about how a broken ankle can recover, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist. 

Broken ankles need immediate treatment. If you are seeking treatment, contact Cary Golub, DPM from New York. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet. 

Broken Ankles
A broken ankle is experienced when a person fractures their tibia or fibula in the lower leg and ankle area. Both of these bones are attached at the bottom of the leg and combine to form what we know to be our ankle.

When a physician is referring to a break of the ankle, he or she is usually referring to a break in the area where the tibia and fibula are joined to create our ankle joint. Ankles are more prone to fractures because the ankle is an area that suffers a lot of pressure and stress. There are some obvious signs when a person experiences a fractured ankle, and the following symptoms may be present.

Symptoms of a Fractured Ankle

  • Excessive pain when the area is touched or when any pressure is placed on the ankle
  •  Swelling around the area
  •  Bruising of the area
  • Area appears to be deformed

If you suspect an ankle fracture, it is recommended to seek treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you have your podiatrist diagnose the fracture, the quicker you’ll be on the way towards recovery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Williston Park, and Long Beach, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about All About Broken Ankle

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails (onychocryptosis) are a common foot ailment and it is very unpleasant to experience. The condition is caused by an increase in pressure from the ingrowth of the nail edge into the skin of the toe. Ingrown toenails commonly cause pain in those who experience them. In some cases, the skin surrounding the ingrown toenail may break which may lead bacteria to enter through and cause an infection. Common symptoms of this ailment include pain, redness, swelling, and warmth around the toe.

An imbalance between the size of the nail and the enlargement of the nail skin edge causes ingrown toenails. This condition is often caused by improperly trimming the toenails. If you are trying you cut your nails, you should always try to trim straight across instead of in a rounded shape. Ingrown toenails can also be an inherited condition and they may also be caused by improper shoe fitting.

Another common cause of the condition is wearing shoes that are either too small or too large. Other causes include poor foot hygiene, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, edema, and fungal infections. There are many risk factors that may make a person more likely to develop an ingrown toenail. Athletes who play “stop and start” sports such as tennis, soccer, and basketball are most likely to have ingrown toenails.

People who have diabetes, a compromised immune system, or poor circulation should immediately seek care from a podiatrist if they have an ingrown toenail. It is also recommended to seek professional assistance if at-home remedies are not successful within a week or if there is persistent pain.

Causes and Solutions for Ingrown Toenails

Causes and Solutions for Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails, a common and often painful foot condition, can make each step a struggle. An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of a toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing inflammation and discomfort. Causes can range from improper nail trimming techniques to wearing tight shoes that exert pressure on the toes. In some cases, a genetic predisposition or an injury can trigger this condition. Soaking the foot in warm water, gently lifting the ingrown edge, and applying antibiotic ointment can aid in healing. Wearing open toed shoes and avoiding tight footwear can also promote recovery. Seeking medical attention for severe cases ensures effective relief, often involving minor surgical procedures to remove the ingrown portion. By addressing the root causes and following appropriate treatment, individuals can bid farewell to ingrown toenail discomfort and regain comfortable strides. If you have developed an ingrown toenail, it is suggested that you seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can guide you toward the correct treatment method.

Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Cary Golub, DPM of New York. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.


  • Bacterial infections
  • Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
  • Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
  • Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
  • Genetic predisposition


Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Williston Park, and Long Beach, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenails

What Are Bunions?

What Are Bunions?

Bunions are large bony bumps at the base of the big toe. Medically known as hallux valgus, a bunion is a misalignment of the metatarsophalangeal joint, or big toe joint. The misalignment will generally worsen with time if left untreated.

The exact cause of bunions is unknown, with genetics seen as a potential cause. High heels and poorly-fitted footwear, rheumatoid arthritis, and heredity all seem to be potential factors behind the exacerbation of bunions. Women have been found to be more likely to develop bunions in comparison to men.

Bunions do not always produce symptoms. The best way to tell is if the big toe is pushing up against the next toe and there is a large protrusion at the base of the big toe. You may or may not feel pain. Redness, swelling, and restricted movement of the big toe may be present as well.

Podiatrists use a variety of methods to diagnose bunions. If there are symptoms present, podiatrists will first consider that it is a bunion. If not, a physical examination will be conducted to check function of the big toe. Finally, an X-ray may be taken to view the extent of the bunion and confirm it is a bunion.

Typically, nonsurgical methods are used to treat bunions, unless the bunion has become too misaligned. Orthotics, icing and resting the foot, roomier and better fitted shoes, taping the foot, and pain medication are usually utilized first. If the bunion doesn’t go away or causes extreme pain, surgery may be required. Surgeons will either remove part of the swollen tissue or bone to straighten the toe out.

If you have a bunion, it is recommended to see a podiatrist. The longer it is left untreated, the worse it may get. Podiatrists can properly diagnose and treat a bunion before it gets worse.

What Can Be Done About Ugly Bunions?

What Can Be Done About Ugly Bunions?

Bunions are bony deformities of the big toe joint. They are unattractive, are a common affliction, and can affect people of all ages. Medically, bunions are referred to as hallux valgus. The metatarsal bones in the foot fan out from the base near the ankle to each toe and the distance between them increases as they approach the toes. With bunions, the distance and angle at the base, between the first and second metatarsals, increases over time and a bump develops on a big toe joint. The foot widens and the deformed big toe joint presses uncomfortably against shoes. Pressure from shoes pushes the big toe towards the smaller toes, which emphasizes the bulge on the side of the foot. As time passes, the second toe can lie on top of the big toe and calluses and corns can develop on the toes, leading to further distortion and pain. Walking can also become problematic. If bunions are not tended to, arthritis can develop. It is not just shoes that contribute to bunion formation. Genes, gait, and being female can add to a propensity toward bunions. Wearing narrow-toed shoes or high heels for a prolonged time should be avoided because these types of shoes force the weight down to the ball of the feet and push the toes together. Insoles or orthotics can help and surgery for permanent removal may be an option. If you have a bunion or notice that one may be forming, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist who can give you advice and offer treatment options.

If you are suffering from bunion pain, contact Cary Golub, DPM of New York. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is a Bunion?

Bunions are painful bony bumps that usually develop on the inside of the foot at the joint of the big toe. As the deformity increases over time, it may become painful to walk and wear shoes. Women are more likely to exacerbate existing bunions since they often wear tight, narrow shoes that shift their toes together. Bunion pain can be relieved by wearing wider shoes with enough room for the toes.


  • Genetics – some people inherit feet that are more prone to bunion development
  • Inflammatory Conditions - rheumatoid arthritis and polio may cause bunion development


  • Redness and inflammation
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Callus or corns on the bump
  • Restricted motion in the big toe

In order to diagnose your bunion, your podiatrist may ask about your medical history, symptoms, and general health. Your doctor might also order an x-ray to take a closer look at your feet. Nonsurgical treatment options include orthotics, padding, icing, changes in footwear, and medication. If nonsurgical treatments don’t alleviate your bunion pain, surgery may be necessary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Williston Park, and Long Beach, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about What Are Bunions?

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